A year ago, I posted a wish on on Facebook...just throwing it out to the universe:
"You know what would be the best birthday present ever? Google Glass."
As luck (miracles?) would have it, I got the coveted email from the Glass team the following week, inviting me to participate in the Glass beta program. My husband and I chatted, and we decided this would be my birthdaychristmasvalentinesanniversary present!
I had no idea what to expect, except a new tech toy to play with. I had no idea how much Glass would change my life!
Shortly thereafter Glass arrived and I spent the evening setting things up and testing things out
Really late at night the first night, my first Glass selfie |
I of course started wearing Glass everywhere. Early on, there were only about 6 Glass explorers that I knew of in Maine, and many of then not in the Portland area. So it was pretty much a guarantee that I was the only one walking around Portland wearing Glass. It's been that way until last week when I finally saw another Glass explorer in Portland (finally!).
Since I was one of the very few in Maine it was likely a much different experience than my friends in bigger cities such as New York and San Francisco. I got absolutely no derogatory remarks or negative feedback ever. Just curious looks, hesitant questions, and once folks realized how friendly I was and was happy to demo Glass, definitely some requests to try them on. More often than not, however, it was me offering Glass to them to try on. Many didn't ask me outright.
The demos have been my favorite. The reactions of folks when they try Glass on and see what they're all about. At this point, more people have tested my Glass than I can count. From conferences to subway cars, they've definitely been passed around. All the better, so any of the 'fear factor' can go away for people and they realize that Glass is a communication device.
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The many faces of Katie, demo-ing Glass |
"Holy shit, this is the FUTURE! And the future is AMAZING!"
I know there have been some negative reactions in different cities, but it never happened to me. Even on a packed subway train in Boston. Let me tell you, nothing will make you instafamous faster than wearing Glass on the T during rush hour. I was fielding questions from everyone which was fabulous and hilariously surreal at the same time.
On the business side, I travel a lot and had the chance to demo Glass and speak about Glass in different venues around the country. From Boston to Salt Lake, Minneapolis and DC, below are a few examples:
Speaking about Glass at Social Media Breakfast Maine...
At the MedTech Boston/Google Glass Challenge...
Hi Trish! |
At the Qualtrics Summit in Salt Lake City
Look, another Explorer in the wild! |
At the Administrative Professionals Conference in DC (where I was also a speaker on mobile tech)...
At the Pri-Med conference in Boston, where I had the privilege of helping to bring together doctors for a conference session on Glass...the first time many of them has seen Glass in person...
Along the way I've gone #teamtangerine ALL THE WAY. All of my accessories are turning orange...
I apparently have determined it's all about the jazz hands when folks are trying the "Glass, take a picture" feature on my Glass...
I've acquired an addiction to GPOP...
Besides my travels, Glass has been to formal events...
Whale watches...
Lobster bakes, it is Maine after all...
Social Media Day Maine...
And even to visit the (YouTube famous, but we knew them before then!) goats at Sunflower farm...
But the best of all? I don't think any of us ever realized that the beta program would create a #glassfamily - a most amazing group of people who I'm so happy to call friends! Some of whom I've had the luck to meet in person, and many of whom I hope to meet in person soon (at the Googleplex...hint hint?)!
Yes, Glass is the thing that united us, but it's definitely gone beyond that! There are too many #Glassfamily members to name (just look at Kris Kitchen's collages for a sense of scale) but just know that you guys are fabulous!
And to our amazing Google community managers and advocates- Becca, Teresa, and Sarah - thanks for making my first year with Glass amazing!
It's been a wild ride - I can't wait to see what the next year of Glass brings!